一首优美好听且励志的歌—“when you believe”

这首歌是“埃及王子”主题歌,由Whitney Houston主唱,歌词感人,旋律优美,今天介绍给大家,在我们感到没有动人的歌打动自己的当今,不妨把眼光投向英文歌,我们同样可以发现许多让人难以忘怀的歌曲。


Many nights we’ve prayed 许多夜晚我们曾恳切祈祷

With no proof anyone could hear 不能证明任何人可以听到

and our hearts’ a hopeful song 我们的心如一阕希望之歌

We barely understood 自己难以参透

Now we are not afraid 如今我们不再害怕

Although we know there’s much to fear 尽管我们知道仍有许多事情令人畏惧

We were moving mountains long 翻山越岭后

Before we knew we could 才知晓自己能够做到

There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会实现.

Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫      It’s hard to kill 却难以抹杀

Who knows what miracles you can achieve 谁能知晓 你可以实现什么奇迹

When you believe somehow you will 只要你相信 你或许就会

You will when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会实现

In this time of fear 在这恐惧之时

When prayer so often proves in vain 当祈祷屡次落空时

Hope seems like the summer birds 希望像是夏日的鸟儿

Too swiftly flown away 太早飞离

And now I am standing here 此刻我却站在这里

My heart’s so full I can’t explain 我心充满 难以言表

Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’d say 寻觅着信念 说着未曾想过要说的话

There can be miracles when you believe 只要你相信 奇迹就会实现

Though hope is frail 尽管希望渺茫     It’s hard to kill 却难以抹杀

在这首歌的歌词里,我最喜欢的歌词是:” Though hope is frail, it hard to kill!”
